
For a comprehensive explanation on difficult to grasp grammar elements, I highly recommend the free videos from “Twin Cities Chinese Tutor” Luke Wang on “Chinese Grammar Simplified”. The playlist is available from here.

Chinese Measure Words 量词

Locations and directions in Chinese

Chinese Sentence Structure

5 Basic Chinese Tenses

De’s (的, 地, 得) as “Structural Particles”

use 把 (ba) structure to emphasize the verb

Use 被 (bei) pattern to express the Passive Voice in Chinese

The Mystery of 给 as a Preposition

Top 5 ways to use 起来 (qi lai) as a verb complement

Comparing 再 (zai) /又 (you) / 多 (duo) /少 (shao) + Verb

before and after 以前 & 以后

All / both (都)

Directional Complements (part 1)

Directional Complements (part 2)

Duration of actions

Grammatical elements

名词MíngcíNounSubjects and objects in sentences
代词DàicíPronounWords that can be used in place of nouns (我,你,他,他们,)
敬语Jìng yǔHonorificRespectful titles (女士先生,老妈,老爸,)
动词DòngcíVerbRepresent the action or state of being of the subject
形容词XíngróngcíAdjectiveModify people or things (很,的,又,最,)
副词FùcíAdverbModify verbs and adjectives (非常,马上,)
状语ZhuàngyǔAdverbialExtend adverbs. Describe time, manner and location associated with the verb in a sentence
从句CóngjùClauseA group of words that contains a subject and a verb that have a relationship
数次Shù cìNumeral一, 二, 三,十,百,千,万,亿,几,多,少,
量词LiàngcíClassifierMeasure words (个,件,双,)
拟声词Nǐ shēng cíOnomatopoeiaNoises and sounds (哈哈,呵呵,嘿嘿,)
介词JiècíPreposition (Coverb)A noun’s position or direction relative to another noun (在,)
连词LiáncíConjunctionConnect ideas in a sentence (和,但, 所以,)
助词ZhùcíParticleDefine the mood, time or relationship between sentence elements (啊,吗,吧, 呢,)
Punctuation Mark。(句号),(逗号)、(顿号):(冒号);(分号)?(问好)!(惊叹号)「…『…』…」(引号)
Chinese grammatical elements. Source: